How To Make a Room Cozier

After a long day of working or completing household tasks, having a cozy room in your home to settle down in is a necessity. However, a cluttered, bright space can be hard to unwind in. As the days get shorter and comfy times at home become more necessary, it’s time to take a step back and turn your home into a cozy sanctuary where you can relax. Here are our eight tips for making any room cozier.

1. Decorate the Walls in Neutral Colors

A cozy room starts with the walls. Incorporate warm neutral colors by painting your walls. A light tan, grey, or even a cream white will give you a very clean canvas to start building your cozy room off of. Add texture and variety to your walls by using wallpaper with a similar hue, such as our Metallic Leaf Peel and Stick Wallpaper or the Terrazzo peel and stick wallpaper pattern.

2. Incorporate Plush Blankets and Pillows

Turning up the cozy factor in a renovated bedroom, living room, or entertaining space, can be as easy as adding blankets and some throw pillows to your space. They are a must for making anyone who enters want to instantly snuggle up and unwind. Choose plush, soft blankets for the best effect and throw pillows that have colors to accent the blankets but not blend in underneath or next to the blankets.

3. Place Thick Rugs on Hardwood

If your room has hardwood floors, it’s not the end of the world when creating your cozy room. Add a large area rug to hardwood floors to create warmth and depth in the room. Layering rugs of different textures and colors brings variety. If you layer your rugs, try to off-set the color of the floor with a rug that is light in color as the first layer to break it up.

4. Incorporate Soft Textures

You don’t need something with a lot of texture to make a cozy room. Soft textures in your lampshades, coffee table, and decorations invoke coziness in the brain immediately. Plants also bring softness to the room in a very natural way. Add floral or natural wall decals to complement greenery and bring the outdoors, in to your living space.

5. Dim the Lights

Switch out bright LED bulbs with incandescent or dimmable light bulbs that are easy on the eyes. Use lamps, candles, or other ambient lights where possible to create an extra comfy feel. Find unique light fixtures that complement the space.

6. Showcase Your Books

If you have a book collection you’re proud of, find a space in your cozy bedroom to display your favorites. You can always use a regular bookshelf, revamped with wood-textured wallpapers or a wall decal quote from your favorite novel. Or, you can get creative with display cabinets, hanging shelves, and accent tables.

7. Add a Fireplace

Nothing evokes coziness more than a warm fireplace brightening up a room. While not everyone has a home with a fireplace already in it, you can invest in an electric fireplace or even add a faux one to capture the look. While the living room is an obvious place for this new addition, a cozy bedroom fireplace can also help you instantly relax and unwind. Use sticktiles, such as the Chevron Distressed Wood Tile Peel and Stick Backsplash, to give your fireplace a makeover.

8. Hang Long, Flowy Curtains

While wide-open windows are great during the day for adding energy and life to a room, if you’re trying to get cozy, bright light is the last thing you want. Give your windows some TLC by adding  privacy window film and finding curtains that drape all the way to the floor. You can easily open these up to let light in during the day and close them when it’s time to settle down and unwind.

Knowing how to make a room cozier can make the end of the day that much more of a treat. Shop our collection of wall decals, wallpaper, sticktiles, and more at RoomMates to add a personal touch to your new comfy space.

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