5 Tips to Organize Your Home Office

These days you might ask yourself the question, am I working from home or living at work? A year and some change later since the start of the pandemic is plenty of time for our workspace to become disorganized, cluttered, and thrown wherever. Whether you have a designated home office or your office is also your bedroom or living room, things are bound to become jumbled.

Follow our little guide for 5 simple tips to organize your home office and breathe easier in the space you work and live in.

Straighten Up Surfaces

Our desk surfaces can get really messy. Take the time to remove the items you don’t need like mail that has found its way to your computer, random books you were looking at last week, pencil holders that are holding anything and everything but pencils, and desk lamps that have gotten moved around.

Take it one step further and assess your bookshelves or office credenzas. These surfaces often collect unwanted things over time making your office space look really messy. Clusters of papers should be gone through and sorted as pitch and keep.

Group Like Items

When organizing your desk surface, group like items or the things that you use most often. If you are right-handed, make your free writing space on the right of your work area and group your monitor, laptop, and iPad together on the left. Pencils, pens, blue-blocking glasses should be on your right where they can be easily accessed.

Designate a Printing Station

If you have to print paperwork for work or prefer to have hands-on documents, you can organize your work from home office with a printing station. Hide your printer and extra printer paper with a small hutch or sideboard. You can keep other important documents here as well in organized file folders. 

Have a small space? Multi-task a bookshelf’s bottom shelves as the new home for your printer and printing accessories. Make the space around it cute with dry erase wall decals that are both functional and stylish.

Make a Command Center

Paperwork, bills, magazines, mail, and coupons might be taking over your desk as well. Making a command center with designated places for all of those items will clear up your desk and give you more working space. Cork boards, floating shelves, and wall hooks allow you to make your command center a cute area rather than a dreaded one. 

Add a calendar, clock, and some baskets to hold your planner, bills, and other items that get touched on daily. Make it cute by adding peel and stick wall decals on or around the area!

Label Anything and Everything

We’ve all been there. You’re running around looking for that one important thing that you can’t find. A slight panic sets in and as you rummage through random piles of paper and when you finally find it you’re relieved. But you wasted a half an hour and probably have more of a mess on your hands than you did before.

That’s where labelling comes into place! Grab that handy label maker or a permanent marker and label your folders, organizers, and shelves that are home to your belongings. 

If you are someone who likes to take things a step further, try to spruce up your office with peel and stick wallpaper! Your office should be a happy, organized space that you love to work in. To get started on your office project, check out all of our peel and stick wallpaper patterns to find your favorite!

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